Centre of Excellence Water Research and Environmental Sustainability Growth (WAREG)
The Water Research Group (WAREG) was established in 2015 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Technology, previously known as the School of Environmental Engineering. WAREG serves as a collaborative hub for lecturers and researchers dedicated to advancing water-related studies while fostering a dynamic research community. In recognition of its notable achievements and contributions, WAREG was officially upgraded to a Centre of Excellence (CoE) within Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) in January 2021. With this new recognition, WAREG has broadened its research scope to focus on two key Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation, and SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities. To align with its expanded research focus, WAREG has rebranded as the Centre of Excellence for Water Research and Environmental Sustainability Growth (WAREG). Through its multidisciplinary approach, cutting-edge research, and commitment to achieving the SDGs, WAREG continues to be a leading force in advancing the science of water and environmental sustainability, which can be integrated into urban planning, climate resilience, and the development of green infrastructure.
Research Fellow
Ts. Dr. Abdul Haqi (Head)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fahmi Muhammad Ridwan
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Ong Soon An
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Wong Yee Shian
Ir. Dr. M Arkam Che Munaaim
Ir. Dr. Mohd Zulham Affandi Bin Mohd Zahid
Ir. Dr. Mustaqqim Bin Abdul Rahim
Ir. Mohd Badrul Hisyam Bin Ab Manaf
Ts. Dr. Che Zulzikrami Azner Bin Abidin
Ts. Dr. Umar Bin Kassim
Ts. Dr. Afizah Ayob
Ts. Dr. Noor Ainee Binti Zainol
Ts. Dr. Nabilah Aminah Lutpi
Dr. Mahyun Ab Wahab
Dr. Nurul Akmam Naamandadin
Dr Mohd Faidz Bin Mohamad Shahimin
Dr. Ain Nihla Kamarudzaman
Dr. Razi Bin Ahmad
Dr. Wan Mohd Sabki Wan Omar
Dr. Naimah Ibrahim
Dr. Nor Amirah Abu Seman
Dr. Farah Naemah Mohd Saad
Dr. Nor Amirah Abu Seman
Dr. Salwa Binti Mohd Zaini Makhtar
Dr. Syakirah Afiza Mohammed
Dr. Wan Amiza Amneera Wan Ahmad
Dr. Najihah Abdul Rashid
Dr. Nor Wahidatul Azura Binti Zainon Najib
Mr. Nazerry Rosmady B Rahmat
Mr. Zulfakar Mokhtar
Ms. Masitah Hasan
Ms. Khairunissa Syairah Binti Ahnad Sohaimi
Ms. Nor Aida Binti Yusoff

Contact Us:
Centre of Excellence Water Research and
Environmental Sustainability Growth (WAREG)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3
02600 Jejawi, Perlis
Phone: +604 9798626
Fax: +604 9798636
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.