Thank you for visiting our website.
The Faculty of Civil Engineering & Technology (FKTA) currently offers four Undergraduate programs. We are also offering Postgraduates Programs in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, both for Masters of Science (MSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) as you can discover from this website. The programs are in line with the Malaysian Education Plan to produce engineers and professionals who are capable of comprehending globalization and k-economy challenges towards achieving a developed nation status.
FKTA welcomes all visitors, especially our students and their parents to our institution and we look forward to better results from our students. We welcome the parents to have an insight into our achievements and excellence in the different fields.
We cordially welcome you, our students to proper guidance and leading educational facilities in UniMAP. We look forward to a bright educational career for you and aim at providing you with the best teaching facilities and learning experience for you.
Have a nice and memorable educational journey here, in FKTA UniMAP!
Thank You.