Strategic Collaboration Between THB Maintenance and UniMAP: Gotong-Royong Perdana Perlis 2024 in Celebration of National Technical Profession Day

3 December 2024 | FKTA was invited by THB Maintenance Sdn. Bhd. to participate in the Gotong-Royong Perdana for the Federal Roads of Perlis, held in conjunction with National Technical Profession Day at Padang Besar, Perlis. The event was also joined by other government agencies and local residents. The program was officiated by the Member of the State Legislative Assembly (ADUN) for Titi Tinggi, YB Tuan Izizam bin Ibrahim.

The gotong-royong activities included painting curbs, cleaning drains, and collecting litter, all aimed at beautifying the area and strengthening the strategic relationship between THB Maintenance and UniMAP in promoting community development and the maintenance of state infrastructure.

A heartfelt thanks to the 11 students and 5 academic staff members from FKTA (Dr. Norlia, Dr. Liyana, Dr. Salwa, Associate Professor Dr. Ts. Fazdliel Aswad, and Mr. Ahmad Faizal) who contributed their efforts in supporting the collaborative activities between both parties.